Am I crazy for wanting to dress up like a Teletubbie for Halloween? I say no! My husband and children will smile and say no, but deep down they are praying I wont do it. Too late! HA! I've got it all worked out :) Think how many toddlers faces will light up when they see a life size teletubbie! Woohooo! I will definitely share a picture when I get one.
So I've officially been released from 2 of my callings in church (my third calling is ward chior - I know :) I was the music (what's the official name?) person?leader?directer?teacher?....ugh, I was in charge of the music in Relief Society, and I was on the enrichment commity. They released me and called me to be a teacher in Relief Society. This is a first for me. I have typically served in the primary, which I have loved!!! I am excited for the opportunity to strengthen my testimony as I study and prepare. I was also called in to meet with a member of the stake presidency. He then told me that they wanted me to serve as the Stake Relief Society President.... haha isn't he just the funniest, ya I thought so too! Then, in seriousness, he asked me if I would be willing to be the stake Athletic Director for the Young Women. I accepted. I have never served in Y.W. either and I'm very excited about this calling as well. Thank goodness my husband is very supportive! My kids too, but they don't know that they have a choice not to be :)