Monday, June 15, 2009

~Fun, Education and Religion~

What is it with kids and their parents' bed?!?! Seriously?! I don't even remember why, but me and all the kids ended up in my bedroom and then they were all having SO much fun climbing in and out of the covers. I guess it's true with almost anything "If it's not yours, it must be better (or more fun) than yours"(this is my proverb for the day lol) . :)

Kyle received an award from school, which, to me, is quite impressive. :) He ranked in the top 10% in the nation in reading, math, core total and total composite!! Woohoo! Way to go Kyle!!! :)

Our family went to the Oquirrh Temple open house last Thursday night. The kids were SO excited to go. I of course knew it would be a cool experience, but I had no idea how much it meant to them and how badly they wanted to go through the temple. We got all dressed up and then went out to dinner first. I was really hoping to make it a night that they would always remember. As we were leaving the restaraunt, we saw a rainbow! It was so vivid and beautiful!

It was a sweet experience. The kids were very reverent (except at one point when DJ tried to dodge through a crowded doorway and Dave stooped down to his level and Lily took that as an invite to jump on Dave's back..... momentary chaos :) DJ loved all the lights, and said "hi" and waved to pretty much every usher.... it was so blasted cute! The kids really were good, and Kyle was learning as much as he could as he went through. He asked on the way out how old one had to be to go to the temple. We told him that he would go through before his mission. He asked how often he'd be able to attend at that time. We explained he could go as often as he wanted. His 'make your mother proud' reply was, "Wow I am going to go to the temple ALL the time!". He really loved it... loves's awesome.