It's time for me start journaling more better! Not for you, for me, and for my children. Wow that sounds selfish...sorry, I love you, but I've got to do this for myself :)
Some pictures, some old memories (documented on Facebook, but who's going to take the time to scroll through Facebook (besides me :) )?
Family is important. Family brings joy. :)
Dave and Jahde went backpacking tonight. Me and the other kids wrote letters to Brandon on his mission (he gets home in October! ) and we also wrote a couple letters to a cute neighbor boy who LOVES mail :)
This morning I told kyle his room was messy and there was no room to walk. He fired right back, "mom, this is to help me with my balance and flexibility! ". He's hilarious. Ask him to show you his fake drama, you'll laugh,hard! :) and while you're at it, ask Toby and Lily how many apples they got while apple bobbing ;)
My kids are so fun and bring me so much happiness, so much joy! I love them with all of my heart. I'm grateful for these moments and memories that make me smile!
Oh, and I love my friend Claire, and my other friends (Vanessa, Emily, Cari etc etc). I love volleyball, esp outdoor! I love music and singing and harmonizing and dancing!
I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love the peace, joy and love that I feel from serving and being obedient.
Life is good!
Life is good, but it's also fragile, so handle with prayer! ...And pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you!
*These pics are not necessarily in order, so don't forget to look at the dates :)