Thursday, May 28, 2009

*Graduation Day*

Toby Graduated from Kindergarten last Friday! I had nooo idea how big of a deal Kindergarten graduation was out here ( a bit over the top if you ask me! ) but it was fun. :) He knew all of the songs perfectly and did a fantastic job!

I was all smiles throughout the program, until they got to the song 'Take Care of Your Body' (I added a short video clip of it --I can't get the vid to upload so I'll post it on youtube -- link at right). It brought tears to my eyes. Anyone who doesn't know our story probably thought I was weird. :) To watch and hear Toby sing ' I WANT TO BE STRONG. I WANT TO LIVE LONG. I WANT TO BE WELL' was emotional. There were so many times when he wasn't strong. He was too weak to walk, or even sit up. I had to carry him and hold him, no matter how much he wanted to do it himself. And there was a time when we were told he wouldn't live long. Most people don't have a second thought about that song (not that I blame them). But once you've dealt with an unhealthy body, the song has new meaning. The lyrics are " Take care of my body. It's my body, healthy I want to be. Take care of my body, and everybody will take care of me. Day-O. I'm gonna feel OK. I want to be strong! I want to live long! I want to be well, and take care of myself!". So anyway, I am so grateful for Toby's strength today. I am grateful that he is here with us, able to stand and sing. Man, he's tough! And I believe him when he says he's going to live long! :)
So now that I'm all emotional, I look at the pic of Toby with his arms around his friends and I can envision him graduating from high school. It'll be fun to compare the two pictures when he does. :)

We had a great memorial weekend! We went up to visit Dave's parents and some of his siblings in Vernal on Saturday and Sunday. It was great to see them. Then we came home and met up with my family on Monday for a yummy BBQ and then went fishing (thank goodness for uncle Kirk when it comes time to fish). Kyle caught 2 fish within minutes of each other! He then caught another, but invited my nephew Ethan to come and have a turn :) Kirk and Cherrie both graciously gave up their catches and let Toby and Lily have a turn fishing. So everyone caught a fish! :) It was a lot of fun!


Company EIGHT said...

What a tender post about Toby's graduation day--I can only imagine the emotions you were feeling. Congrats Toby!!!

It looks like your Memorial weekend was a blast! Thank goodness for family and friends to enjoy it with. Fun pics!

Anonymous said...

I am a little teary too reading that sweet body song! I can't beleive our kids are finished with k and onto 1st grade and higher:)

love your updates and keeping in touch with you!

love ya, mindy

Andrea said...

Go, Toby, Go! What a HUGE blessing a healthy body is, and no one can understand it until they have (or their baby has) an unhealthy one. We take our bodies so for granted. So glad he's doing well.

Emily and Ethan said...

The graduation thing is over the top I agree! It makes me think of the incredibles movie when the mom and dad are fighting, and the mom is mad that the dad won't go to thier sons graduation, LOL.

Rick said...

I can see why that made you tear up, but yes, most of us probably do take it for granted. That is quite a big production :) Fun times

Bonny said...

Oops, that Rick comment was me. I didn't realize I was signed in as him :)

Christen Noelle said...

I think over-the-top for kindergarten is a must...look how handsome Toby looks in that cap and gown! You won't be seeing that for 12 more years...and he looked so proud!

I miss look great!

Alison said...

Very sweet! That is serious graduation attire! They grow so quickly! I watch my kids sleep and think it was only yesterday they were babies. It makes you just want to kiss them and hug them a little more! I am sure you feel like that with little Toby after all you have been through! Thanks for your updates it helps remind me of what is important! Love you! I still want to get together and laugh some time!