Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Today we celebrated Lily's 4th Birthday! It was a purrrrfect kitty birthday party.

Lily and her friends made these cute little princess crowns and some charm bracelets at the party. The girls were so cute! I honestly think this party turned out to be a success. :).... I know!

Lily is such a beautiful princess!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My sweet baby girl Lily cut her hair today. First time ever. It's not too bad, or too much, but was quite a shock to me. She doesn't typically get into mischief. I saw the scissors on the floor and asked her to please put them away (didn't have a second thought about it). Then she moved and some hair fell. Then I saw another small clump of hair on the floor. I then asked her what she had been doing, and she just smiled. I added a bit of tone to my voice and asked her if she had just cut her hair. She said "yes", and smiled. I was surprised and asked her why she had cut her hair, and her response was "mom, you're not proud of me", in a sad, innocent voice. I hope she really didn't think that was going to make me proud, but just in case, I didn't scold her, just told her to always talk to me or ask me first before doing something. "At least she didn't cut her face", as she would say. haha She's such a beautiful girl. Anway, this is a picture of her at the piano. She can play Mary Had a Little Lamb and is quite proud of herself. I started teaching her, but she pretty much just took over and learned it herself by ear, practicing. It's very cute. She can also play a little duet with me which she loves.

The other night I read a book to the kids called "The Dumb Bunnies Easter". These "dumb bunnies" get all their holidays mixed up and do very punny, silly things. It is dumb, but it makes us laugh. After we were done reading, Toby and Lexi ran off to dress like dumb bunnies. Thanks Dave for capturing this dumb bunny memory! haha

And last but not least.....we got a lot of snow the other day. Brandon and Kyle built a really cool snow cave in our front yard (big enough for them to fit in, as you can see). :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

This pictures is intended to help lighten the mood. I've been so stressed out lately with everything going on, (check out Toby's site if you aren't familiar, www.caringbridge.org/visit/tobywilson) so I wanted to take a minute and breathe. DJ will not be happy to see this picture when he gets older. I know, it's sick and wrong, but my goodness his hair is long, red and cooperative. haha :)

He's such a sweet baby boy! I love my kids.

Monday, December 1, 2008

8 blessings in my life

I have so much to be thankful for, but these are my top 8!

What a sweet baby! I love the way your smile lights up the room. I love the way you start dancing or rocking back and forth the minute you hear music. I love to hear you say "no no" or "uh oh", when you've done something you shouldn't have. I love the loud squeals of excitement. I love the way you run and giggle when I chase after you. I love your sweet hugs and cuddles. I love how happy you are to see me.

Our beautiful princess! I love to listen to you sing. I love the random letters you write asking me "what does this say", and when I reply "that says 'blirylana'", you say "I WROTE blirylana!" with such excitement, that we all wish it were a word! I love how you'll carry your books around with you, wanting to read and learn. I love that you're "so happy". I love your sincerety and abundance of love.

My hero! I love your strength. I love all the funny things you say, that make us laugh on a daily basis. I love your desire to do what's right. I love it when you say "Hug me Brotha" to Kyle. I love it when you wont let someone walk out the door before they hug you. I love your 'no fear' approach to learning or trying new things. I love the way you belt out primary songs, right on pitch, happy to be singing them.

The Wisemaster! I love the understanding you have of OH SO much, especially the gospel. I love the way you help your siblings. I love the example you set for them. I love your drive to learn about, and participate in sports. I love your ability to sing harmony....the tenor is so impressive. I love the quiet hours you spend reading, and time you spend reading to your younger brothers and sisters. I love your wit.

Marching on to Glory! I love the spirit about you. I love your drive in Band, and your skill and successes with music. I love how good you are to everyone in our family. I love that you're a peacemaker. I love the funny things you do to entertain me and the kids. I love it when you want dad to drive faster or slower so you can check out a cute girl in the car next door. :)

Showman with style! I love your confidence. I love your willingness to give, or to try. I love the quality time you spend with people. I love your athletic ability (especially swimming and basketball), and the hard work you put into improving your talents. I love the way you're responsible, with money, and just with life in general. I love your laugh.

Our cuddly Princess! I love your excitement for life. I love to hear your thoughtful prayers (especially the one where you said "thankful it's Thanksgiving because we LOVE turkey, and help us to get full"). I love that when choosing which Articles of Faith to quote, you called number 66.:) I love the way you get along with everyone. I love the way hold my hand or give me a sweet hug, just cause.

My rock! I love the way you take care of me. I love the way you take care of all of our children. I love your temperament. I love the silly banter. I love your athleticism. I love your intelligence and turtle brains. I love the way you play with my hair. I love your hands. I love the deep converstaions in the middle of the night, full of insight, hope, faith and love.

There are many, many more things than I've listed, and many of you share the same talents, but I had to vary things up a bit :)